B.Sc. (General) First Semester
Computer Science
Paper: A01: PC Software Under Window (OLD)
Time allowed: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 65
NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including Question No. IX (Unit-V) which is compulsory and selecting one question each from Unit I-IV.
I. What is a batch file? Explain the use of the AUTOEXEC.BAT file in detail. (13)
II. Define DOS. Explain any five external commands of DOS with proper syntax. (13)
III. What do you mean by Control pane" Explain its usage in windows. (13)
IV. What is Windows? Describe various features of windows. (13)
V. What is Word-processor? Discuss applications of MS Word. (13)
VI. What is Mail-merge? Explain steps of mail-merge in MS word. (13)
VII. What do you mean by chart? Explain different types of charts in MS Excel. (13)
VIII. What is MS PowerPoint? How can you give animations and transitions in MS PowerPoint? (13)
IX. Write short notes on the following:
a) Find and replace (3)
b) Border and shading (2)
c) Auto fill in MS Excel (2)
d) MD command in DOS (2)
e) Windows explorer (2)
f) Recycle bin (2)
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