B.Sc. (General) First Semester
MIC-101: Fundamentals of Microbiology - I
Time allowed: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 30
NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including Question No. I which is compulsory and selecting one question from each Unit.
1. Attempt the following:
a) What is the growth rate of bacteria?
b) What is the mechanism of the UV radiations method of sterilization?
c) What is dimorphic fungus?
d) What is monotrichous flagella?
e) Write the various features of Hfr plasmid.
f) Give examples of fungus which are used as bio pesticides.(6x1)
II. a) Describe the contribution of Louis Pasteur in the field of microbiology
b) Describe the Koch's postulates. (6)
III. a) Explain the various branches of applied microbiology
b) Give the differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. (6)
IV. a) Describe the various morphological characteristics of bacteria.
b) Describe the cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria with a diagram. (6)
V. a) Describe the process of formation of spores.
b) What are the functions of the cell wall and flagella? (6)
VI. Explain the process of gene cloning in the bacteria. (6)
VII. a) What are plasmids? Explain the advantages of using plasmids in genetic engineering.
b) How restriction enzymes are different from normal enzymes? (6)
VIII. What are bio-pesticides? Explain the use of different microorganisms as bio-pesticides? (6)
IX. a) Differentiate between symbiotic and non-symbiotic N2 fixation.
b) How mycorrhizae help the plant? (6)
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