Roll No - Total no of page-1
Subject Code: BSBC-602
Paper ID: A-2378
Time :03 Hrs Maximum Marks : 60
Instruction to Candidates
1) Section A is Compulsory
2) Attempt any four questions from Section B
Section A
I) What is Light Pen?
2) List some disadvantages of LCD?
3) What is Random scan? How it is different from Raster Scan?
4) What is Bresenham’s algorithms?
5) What is translation and Scaling?
6) What are the components of CRT?
7) Explain the term Persistence?
8) Define the term clipping?
9) Differentiate [nkjet and Laser Printer?
10) What is 3 dimensional Graphics?
Section B (4 X 10 = 40)
Q2. What are the applications of Computer Graphics? Explain with example.
Q3. Explain different types of Input Devices used in Computer Graphics Workstation.
Q4. Explain the Following
a) Shadow Mask b) Beam Penetration.
Q5. What is Raster Scan Systems? Explain the complete working of Raster Scan Systems with Examples?
Q6. What is the process and need of Scan conversion? Explain different techniques of scan conversions with examples.
Q7. Explain reflection and Rotation transformations for 3D Transformations.
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