Advanced Certificate in Power Distribution Management
Bee-002: Energy Management and It Applications
Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 100
Note: The question paper has three parts: Part I, II and III. Answer the questions as indicated in each part. All questions should be answered in English only.
Question no.1 is compulsory.
1. Give full forms of the following:
(a) LEAP
(b) CIN
(c) IVRS
(d) PSTN
(e) PLC.
(f) GSM
(g) AMR
(i) DTR/DT
(j) TCP/IP
2. Attempt any two of the following questions:
(a) What is BPR?
(b) Identify the measures to be considered to improve energy efficiency.
(c) What is enhanced greenhouse effect?
Attempt any five questions.
Identify the techniques used for meter reading.
4. What are the various applications of GIS in management of Power Distribution system?
5. Explain the important aspects of metering and billing.
6. Discuss the main features of LEAP.
7. What are the measures that should be considered for preventing cases of electric shocks?
8. What is RRMS? Explain with reference to utility. Discuss the data acquired through AMR.
Attempt any two questions.
10. Explain the software requirements of AMR.
11. List the different tools used for customer analysis. Outline their features. How do they benefit the utilities?
12. What is business process re-engineering?
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North India Campus