Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)
Hiv And Aids Education
Time : 3 hours Maximum Weightage: 70%
Note : (i) All the four questions are compulsory.
(ii) All the questions carry equal weightage.
1. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Discuss the tests commonly used for diagnosing an HIV positive person and the necessary precautions in interpreting their results.
Discuss the steps in pre-test counselling for HIV infection.
2. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Discuss the basis of Life Skills Education in the context of HIV and AIDS.
Discuss the differences in social patterning of hetero - sexual behaviours across regions/ countries. How do strategies for prevention of HIV infection need to be different in this context ?
3. Write short notes on any four of the following in about 150 words each :
(a) The stages of HIV infection before it develops into AIDS.
(b) Impact of HIV and AIDS on women.
(c) Human rights of HIV positive persons.
(d) Responsible sexual behaviour
(e) Differences between 'values' and 'norms'.
(f) Ways by which substance abuse and addictions lead to spread of HIV.
4. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
You would know about the various views in the debate on sex education in schools. How would you deal with the issue of parents of your students objected to education about sex and sexuality in the school ?
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