M.Sc. I.T 2nd Semester
Advanced Java Programming Language (OLD)
Time allowed: 3 Hours] [Max. Mark
NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including Question No. IX (Unit-V) which is compulsory and selecting one question each from Unit I-IV.
I. a) Discuss the multithreading lifecycle with a proper diagram.
b) How are multiple inheritances implemented in JAVA using interfaces? Explain v help of an example.
II. a) Compare Swing and AWT.
b) Discuss the classes and methods of any 6 swing controls. Give an example diagram.
III. a) Explain in detail the Java database connectivity model.
b) Write a Java code to create a JDBC console application, which show records alt students in the Student table.
IV. a) Discuss the RMI architecture in detail by highlighting the functions of each lay
b) What are the important classes and methods used in developing R applications? Discuss.
V. a) Explain in detail the Servlet lifecycle.
b) Compare Servlets and CGI.
VI. a) Discuss in detail the TCP/IP client and server socket classes and their important methods.
b) What is the functionality of InetAddress class? Discuss its factory methods
VII. What is EJB? What are various types of EJB? What are the various uses of EJB Discuss in detail?
VIII. Explain the JSP architecture. How is JSP better than Servlets? What are the various JS tags used to design a JSP page? Explain with example.
IX. Write short notes on:
a) User-defined packages in JAVA
b) Delegation Event model
c) JOptionPane
d) JDBC Drivers
e) Bound Properties of Java beans
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