MA English 2nd Semester
Literary Criticism-2
Paper: 1
Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 80
Note: - (1) Attempt all the questions.
(2) Question No. 1 carries 20 marks. The other questions carry 15 marks each.
1. Write short notes (about 200 words) on any three of the following:
(i) Chicago Critics
(ii) Point of view
(iii) New Historicism
(iv) Ideology
(v) Oedipus complex
(vi) Hegemony.
2. Do you think New Criticism had a specific Pedagogic goal, i.e., of substituting existing historical and biographical scholarship by an exclusive concentration on literature as literature?
Write an essay on New Criticism by focusing on any two major New Critics.
III. How does Edward Said define orientalism? Do you agree with his contention?
“You don't give the subaltern voice, you work for the bloody subaltern. You work against subalternity”. What does Spivak mean by this in her essay, “Can the Subaltern Speak”?
IV. Critically examine the view that "Women's literature is the literature of the colonised, with reference to Showalter's essay on “Feminist Criticism in the Wilderness".
Showalter terms feminist criticism as “an expressive and dynamic enterprise which attempts to contest the self-proclaimed superiority of the 'male discourse'. Do you agree?
V. How does Aijaz Ahmed, in the essay “The Politics of Literary Postcoloniality' problematize the term postcoloniality?
Explain with reference to Aijaz Ahmed's essay the idea of hybridity.
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