B.A./B.Sc. (General) 2nd Semester
Paper-General Psychology-II
Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 70
Note: Attempt five questions in all, selecting one question from each unit. Question No. It is compulsory. All questions carry 14 marks each.
1. Attempt any seven from the following:
(2) Big 5
(3) Oedipus complex
(4)Fluid intelligence
(5) Sublimation
(6) Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
(7) Unconditional positive regard
(8)Positive correlation
(9) Maturity
(10) g factor
(11) Non-verbal tests
(12) Identity crisis. 2x7=14
II.Describe in detail Freud's stages of psychosexual development. 14
III. What are the various ways of measuring personality? 14
IV. You conduct a study to determine the impact that varying the amount of noise in an office has on worker productivity. You obtain the following productivity scores :
(a) Assuming that productivity scores are normally distributed ratio scores, compute the summaries of this experiment.
(b) Draw the appropriate graph for these data. 14
V.In the following data, the X scores reflect participants' rankings in the first year of college and the Y scores reflect their rankings in the third year of college. To what extent do these data form a linear relationship?
VI.What is cognitive development? Discuss Piaget's theory of cognitive development with special emphasis on the sensorimotor stage. 14
VII. Is nature more important in determining development or nurture? Discuss using relevant examples. 14
VIII. Elaborate Thurstone's theory of intelligence. How is Thurstone's theory different from Spearman's? 14
IX. Define intelligence. Explain Guilford's theory of intelligence in detail. 14
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