BCA-Bachelor of Computer Applications 1st Semester
Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics
Paper : BCA-16-102
Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 65
Note :-(1) Attempt one question from each unit and compulsory Question No. 9.
(2) Use of a non-programmable calculator is allowed.
1. (a) Define Statistics. Explain various statistical techniques in detail. 7
(b) Differentiate among Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic Mean in detail 6
2. (a) What do you understand by Statistics ? Explain its uses and limitations in detail. 7
(b) Why Harmonic mean is calculated? Explain the methods for calculating simple HM for Discrete and Continuous series. 6
3. (a) Determine the value of Median: 7
(b) How mean deviation, standard deviation, and variance are calculated? Explain.
4. (a) Calenlate quartiles (lower, upper) and 9 decile : 7
(b) How do you compute the "Inter Quartile" and "Percentile" range? Explain
5. (a) Why correlation analysis is required ? Explain "Scatter Diagram" and "Graphic Method" techniques in detail.
(b) Calculate Karl Pearson's coefficient of correlation using method of your choice :
6. (a) Define Correlation Analysis. Explain various types of Correlation in detail.
(b) Find the coefficient of concurrent deviation :
(a) What is Regression Analysis? Explain its objectives. Also, draw the difference between Correlation and Regression.
(b) Find regression equation X = a + bY for :
8. (a) What is Regression Coefficient ? Find both the Co-efficients :
(b) Define Regression. Explain its uses andlimitations. (Compulsory Question)
9. Explain :
(a) Central Tendency 2
(b) Weighted Arithmetic Mean 2
(c) Weighted Geometric Mean 2
(d) Tabulation of Data 2
(e) Hexiles 2
(f) Rank Correlation 2
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