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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Roll No..........
MBA 4th Semester
International Human Resource Management

Time : 3 hours

Note : Attempt any four questions. Each question carries 5 marks.

1.     Write a brief  note on cross cultural management and it significance.
2.     Explain individualism and collectivism  as dimensions of culture across nations.
3.     What are the different variables affecting marketing that are beyond the control of an international marketer?
4.     Discuss the role of culture add emotions in intercultural negotiations.
5.     How do preferred leadership styles differ across the different GLOBE clusters?
6.     What are the differences between traditional teams and global teams?

Section –B

Note: Attempt one question form each subsection (7-10) each question carries 8 marks
a.     What are Kluchohn and Strodtbeck’s value orientations ? how do they differ from Hofstede’s  cultural dimensions?
b.     Discuss briefly the four cultural predisposition MNCs tend to have towards managing things in a global context.
a.     What are the different challenges faced in communicating across cultures? How can various barriers be reduced?
b.     What are the significant shifts in human resource development practices of MNCs in recent times?
a.     What are the various challenges of international human  resource staffing?
b.     Discuss the anatomy of negotiations and detail key success factor which should kept in mind while conducting successful international negotiations.
a.     Compare and contrast the labour management practices and cultural environment of India with Japan.
b.     Outline the role of leader in shaping culture and ensuring ethics in an international organization.


Note : answer the questions given with case. Each questions carries 4 marks.

Gary was not hving an easy time either. He had felt that with his American education and experience he could bring about a  lot positive change in the newly acquired organization. But bringing about change was not easy. Being a CEO was not easy either. Gary had already learnt from some Indians in the US that the first thing American CEOs. Do in India (which makes them highly unpopular ) on taking over a company is to cut down on ‘peons’  or ‘office boys’  who run errands for managers and also help serve tea and coffee to visitors. This was one mistake he would not make. But not cutting down on office boys did not help him solve the many other problems he discovered the company had.
Meetings with his managers and the HR head revealed many irregularities. For one, there were far too many people on the bench. The people on the bench seemed to be relatively senior and would need up gradation of their skills if they were to be useful. The previous CEO was a brilliant engineer, but did not appreciate the strategic role of HR . the HR department had no decision making authority, and just had o implement decisions taken by project managers. The performance appraisal and reward system seemed to be based on the individual project managers whims. If a project manger needed  to hire a person with specific skills for a project , he or she directly negotiated the salary with the prospective employee without looking at the salary levels of others in the company. This had resulted in situation, where people at the same level had vastly different salaries, or new recruits had salaries much higher than people who had been with company for many years. It was evident that there was lot of dissatisfaction because of these inequalities. No one had analyzed the attrition data and when Gary asked     the HR head to do so the report showed that the highest performers were leaving the company these were just a few of ht problems he discovered.

Gary was keen on giving more power to the HR department, but had to do so without antagonizing the project managers who were revenue earnes. Gary and the HR head introduced several changes to professionalize the company; no one questioned the changes but very few project managers were implementing the changes. Other continued functioning the way they used to Gary found that Indians were culturally different and had the inability to say no, share information and stick to a deadline. They had an excessive desire to please CEO which annoyed Gary. Gary heard form HR head that the previous CEO would spend time just visiting employees and finding out about their lives and families. Gary felt tat he just did not have the time or inclination to do that. His objective was to show good results in the next quarter to his bosses in California. Six months had gone and nothing positive had happened in the company.

1.     What are the dimensions of expatriate management which can be related with  this case?

2.     What cultural issues  have been highlighted in the case?


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