Roll No______________
BS -204 Web
Time: 3 Hrs.
Section- A
Q1. (a) List and explain data types in java script.
(b) Explain the steps to Enable and disable java script on a webpage.
(c) Write a marquee tag and explain it.
(d) How to create an email link on a web page?
(e) What is IIS? Which is the operating system used with
(f) What do you understand by HTML?
(g) What are built in objects in java script?
(h) Differentiate between webpage and website?
(i) Write HTML code to include JavaScript in a web page?
(j) Explain DNS.
Attempt any Four
Q2. Explain basic structure of a HTML page? Explain FRAME
and TABLE Tag.
Q3. What are advantages of Java script? Explain various
dialog boxes like alerts generated by Java script.
Q4. Explain FORM tag. Also describe FORM submitting methods.
Q5. What do you understand by events? Explain event handling
in Java script
Q6. Why tables are important in web pages? Explain various
tags used in table design.
Q7. How graphics and animations are used on web pages? Which
are the most suitable image and video
formats for websites?
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