Roll No.
Total No. of Questions: 07
B Com. (Sem.-4th)
Subject Code:
Paper ID: [B1140]
Time: 3 Hrs.
I. Section A is compulsory. Give answer to each question
upto five lines in length. Each question caries two marks.
2. Attempt four questions from Section B. Each question
caries 10 marks.
Q.1: Write short notes on the following:
a) Purchase Method
b) Unrealized profits in stock
c) Amalgamation
d) Corporate Restructuring
e) Holding Company
f) Revenue
g) Liquidation of a company
h) Statement of Affairs
i) Deficiency Accounts
j) Cost of Control
Q.2 The Trial Balances of H.Ltd. and S.Ltd. as on 31st
December 201 were as under :
H.Ltd. S.Ltd.
Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr.
Equity Share Capital
(Share of `10 each) 10,00,000 2,00,000
7% Preference Share Capital
(Share of `10 each) - 2,00,000
Reserves 3,00,000
6% Debentures 2,0,00 2,0,00
Trade Receivables/Payables 80,000 90,00 0 50,000
P&L A/c balance
20,00 0 15,000
Purchases/Sales 5,0,000 9,0,000 6,0,000 9,50,000
Wages & Salaries 10000
Debenture Interest 12,000 12,000
General Expenses 80,000
Preference-Dividend up to
3,500 7,000
Stock (31.12.2011) 1,0,000 50,000
Cash at Bank 13,500
Investment in S.Ltd. 5,28,000 -
Fixed Assets
11,00,000 7,90,000
25,13,50 25,13,50 17,25,00 17,25,00
Investment in S Ltd. were acquired on 1.4.201 and consisted
of 80% of Equity Capital and50% of Preference Capital. Depreciation on fixed assets
is written of @ 10% p.a. After acquiring control over S Ltd., H Ltd. supplied
to it gods at cost plus 20%, the total invoice value of such gods being `60,00;
1/4 of such gods was stil in stock at he end of the year.
Prepare the Consolidated Profit and Los Account for the year
ended on 31st December.2011.
Q.3: The position of Valueless Ltd. on its liquidation is as
under: Issued and paid up Capital:
5,000 10% preference shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid.
7,000 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid.
6,000 Equity shares of Rs. 50 each Rs. 30 per share paid.
Calls in Arrears are Rs.20, 00 and Calls received in Advance
Rs.17,00. Preference
Dividends are in arrears for one year. Amount left with the
liquidator after discharging all liabilities is Rs. 8, 27,00. Articles of Association
of the company provide for payment of preference dividend arrears in priority
to return of equity capital. You are required to prepare the Liquidators final
statement of account.
Q.4. What is Consolidated Balance Sheet? Discus with the
help of some figures.
Q.5: With the help of a hypothetical example pas the accounting
entries in the Books of the Purchasing Company on Acquisition.
Q.6: What is meant by 'B' List of contributories? What is
the liability of contributories included in this list? Discus.
Q.7: How the Banking Company Accounts are different from
other companies? Discus.
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