BTAE-602 :
Automotive Heating, Ventilation
Air Conditioning
Time : 3 Hours Maximum
Marks : 60
1. Any four questions
from Section - B and any two questions from Section - C.
Q.1 (a) Define units of refrigeration?
(b) What are the functions of thermostat valve in AC system
of a car?
(c) Draw the sketch of low pressure switch used in AC of an
(d) What is leak test?
(e) Write the reasons of non starting of a refrigerator?
(f) Define psychometry?
(g) Define dew bulb temperature?
(h) Name the different types of AC loads?
(i) What do you mean by charging and discharging of air
conditioning system?
(i) Define ventilation?
Q.2 Enlist the different types of refrigerants used for an
automobile? Explain the latest refrigerant used in AC's of automobiles?
Q.3 Explain velocity reduction method of duct design State
its advantages and disadvantages.
Q.4 Why fog does appear in night hours in winter season and
not in summer season? Show the process of fogging on the psychometric chart
when two air steams are mixed together.
Q.5 Discuss with the help of neat sketches, the service
schedule of AC of a car for trouble free working?
Q.6 Draw schematic of a thermostatic expansion valve?
Explain its working?
Q.7 (a) For the safety of Volvo buses, what precautions and
care should be taken into care before designing its HVAC?
(b) What are the various possible causes of AC failure?
Discuss their respective remedies also.
Q.8 Write the detailed procedure for estimating the cooling
load of an AC bus with 52 seating capacity?
Q.9 Write short note on any two of the following
(a) Effect of refrigerants on ozone layer
(b) AC heating system
(c) Air flow circuit of an AC car
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