Roll No. _______ [Total No. of Questions : 13]
[Total No. of Pages : 02]
D-25 [2037]
BCA (Semester - 6th)
Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 75
Instruction to Candidates:
1) Section - A is compulsory.
2) Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B.
Section - A
Q1) (15 x 2 = 30)
a) What is Artificial Intelligence?
b) Write components of a production system.
c) What is heuristic search?
d) Write any two computable predicates.
6) When do we use Semantic nets?
f) What do you understand by casual chain in scripts?
g) Why do we need AI assumptions?
h) What is a production system?
i) What do you understand by problem space in A1?
j) Write any two computable predicates.
k) When do we use frames?
1) What is conceptual dependency?
m) What do you understand by casual chain in scripts?
n) What is pragmatic processing?
o) What is meant by class membership?
Section - B (9 x 5 = 45)
Q2) Discuss the characteristics of Artificial Intelligence problems.
Q3) What is the role of conceptual dependency theory? Also discuss the operations performed by a parser.
Q4) Give an example of a problem for which breadth-first search would work better than depth-first search.
Q5) Construct a script for going to college from the viewpoint of a student of the college.
Q6) What are the steps in natural language processing?
Q7) Give an example of a problem for which depth-first search would work better than breadth-first search.
Q8) What is meant by class membership? Discuss the ways of representing it.
Q9) Discuss the steps in natural language processing.
Q10) Construct a script for going to office from the viewpoint of an employee of the office.
Q11 ) Use predicates to express the statement: Everyone loves their parents.
Q12) Discuss the role of conceptual dependency theory.
Q13) Explain techniques of Artificial Intelligence in detail.
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