Roll No. .I.......... Total No. of Pages: 02
Total No. of Questions: 07
BCA (Sem.-6th)
Subject Code: BC-601
Paper ID: [Bo223]
Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 60
1. Section-A is compulsory.
2. Section-B Attempt any four questions.
Q. 1. Answer in 2-5 Lines:
(a) What is State Space Search?
(b) Describe Characteristics of Production System.
(0) Define Heuristic Function.
((1) Difference between Declarative and Procedural Knowledge.
(e) What is Inference Engine?
(f) Define Knowledge base system.
(g) Explain Conceptual Dependency?
(h) Define the term Clause.
(i) What is Natural Language Processing?
(j) What is resolution?
SECTION-B (4 x 10=40)
Q. 2. What is Al? What are its elements? Discuss various Application Areas of AI.
Q. 3. What is production system? Explain various components of Production System.
Q. 4. How the problem can be defined as state space search? Draw state space diagram for water jug problem.
Q. 5. Explain various approaches for Knowledge Representation.
Q. 6. What is F OPL? Explain the Horn Clause and procedure of clausal conversion with an example.
Q. 7. Write note on the following:
(a) Syntactic Processing
(b) Pragmatic Processing
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