Roll No. _____________
3rd Exam/Civil/5147/Dec’05
: 4 Hrs.
Section A
Q1 i) Fill in the blanks:
a) Surveying is
the art of determining the ——— of objects on earth surface.
b) The
imaginary line joining centre of eyepiece to the optical centre of object glass
is called_________
c) Angle
between the mirrors of optical square is—————————
d) Levelling
work should always commence from a—————
e) Resection
method is also called————— method.
ii) State whether the statements are True
or False
a) Prismatic
compass reads whole circle bearing:
b) The reduced
level is also called elevation.
c) Cross staff
is used for setting right angle.
d) At magnetic
pole the dip of the needle is zero degree.
e) Plane table
surveying is used for small area.
Attempt any five question:
Q2 What do you mean by ranging ? Explain
indirect method of ranging.
Q3 What are the different instruments used
for setting right angles ? Explain the use of any one in details.
Q4 Explain the temporary adjustment of prismatic
Q5 Define local attraction .What are its
Q6 What are the different types of levels
used in levelling ? Explain any one in detail.
Q7 What are the advantages and
disadvantages of plain table surveying?
Q8 Explain radiation method of plain table
Attempt any three question:
Q9 Explain different types of errors in
plain table surveying. What are the precautions to be taken to overcome it ?
Q10 The following readings were taken with
a dumpy level at common interval of 20 m. Calculate the R.L of various points. R.L of station A is 510.45 0.755 (on station
A), 1.545, 2.33, 3.105, 3.815, 0.580, 1.375, 2.055, 2.81, 3.455.
Q11 What are the different methods of
computation of area ? Explain any one in details.
Q12 What is the difference between:
a) Whole circle
bearing and reduced bearing.
b) Height of
the instrument method and rise and fall method
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