Roll No……….
Total No. of Questions: 13
Paper ID
(IT/DCA) (102/103) (S05) (Old/New) (Semester.-1st)
Time: 3 Hrs. Max.
Marks: 75
Instruction to Candidates:
1. Section-A is Compulsory.
2. Attempt any Nine questions from Section-B.
What is procedure oriented programming?
Differentiate between bitwise left shift and bitwise right shift operator.
How is explicit conversion done? Give examples?
What is the significance of gets and puts function?
How is source program converted to executable program in C?
(f) What is the significance of ‘\v’ and ‘\b’ escape sequences? Give example.
(f) What is the significance of ‘\v’ and ‘\b’ escape sequences? Give example.
What is the difference between switch and if else statements in C?
What are the limitations of an ordinary variable? How are these removed with the
use of an array?
How does strcmp function in different cases in terms of the value returned?
How can time delay loops be written in C? Give examples.
What are the uses of function?
What is the relationship between two dimensional array and pointers?
What is the significance of calloc function in C?
State limitations of union.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of recursion?
Q2. Explain the working principle of prefix and
postfix operators with examples.
Q3. Discuss the basic data types in C?
Q4. Explain briefly the following:-
(a) Tokens (b) Identifiers (c) Constants
Q5. Write the algorithm and draw the flow chart
to find roots of a quadratic equation.
Q6. Compare various loops available in C?
Q7. Write a program in C to reverse an integer
number entered by the user.
Q8. Explain briefly various string operations
which can be performed using built-in
function in C.
Q9. Write a program to multiply two 2-D arrays.
Q10. Compare recursion with iteration.
Q11. Explain with the help of examples pointer
Q12. Explain differences between structure and
union with example.
Q13. Explain with example the relationship of two
dimensional arrays with pointers.
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