Roll No. …………….. Total No. of Pages: 2
Total No. of Questions: 15
MBA IB (Sem – 2nd)
Paper ID: [C0250]
Time: 03 Hours Max. Marks: 60

NOTE: Attempt any FOUR questions from Section-A. Each question carries FIVE
Q1. Discuss conflict in profit versus wealth
maximization objective.
Discuss the concept of “Optimal
Capital Structure”.
Q.2. Discuss
the concept of Debt-Equity or EBIT-EPS indifference point, while determining
the capital structure of a company.
Q.3. Explain the relevance of time value of money
in financial decisions.
Q.4. What
do you understand by temporary working capital? How it should be financed?
Q.5. How the valuation of warrants and
convertibles is done?
NOTE: Section B consists of four sub
sections I, II, III, IV. Attempt any one question from each of the sub-
section. Each question carries EIGHT marks.
Unit – I
Q.6. Examine
the role of finance manager in the changing scenario? What is the various decisions
making areas of finance manager?
Q.7. Explain
the concept of valuation? How the valuation of various securities done?
Q.8. Compare
and Contract NPV vs. IRR as method of appraising capital investment which
method is better and why?
Q.9. Explain
the various methods for incorporating risk and uncertainty in the capital
budgeting process.
Q.10. Explain
the dividend irrelevance theory promoted by Modigliani and Miller. How they
support their proposition?
Q.11. Explain
the various models of dividend policy? Do you think that they are relevant?
Q.12. What
is working capital management all about? How the risks return trade off is done
in working capital management?
Q.13. Why
Inventories are required in the organization? What are the various techniques
of inventory management?
NOTE: This question is compulsory and
carries 8 marks.
Q.15. Equipment
A has a cost of Rs. 75,000 and net cash flow of Rs. 20,000 per year, for six
years. A substitute equipment B would cost Rs. 50,000 and generate net cash
flow of Rs. 14,000 per year for six years. The required rate of return of both
equipments is 11 percent. Calculate the IRR and NPV for the equipments. Which
equipment would be accepted and why?
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