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Thursday, November 26, 2015

Roll No……..
Total No. of Questions: 15

MBA/MBA (IB) (Sem.-1st)
Subject Code: (MB-101) (2012 Batch)
Paper ID [C0101]

Time: 3 Hrs.                                                                           Max. Marks: 60
Instruction to Candidates:
1.      Section-A contains six questions carrying Five marks each and students has to attempt any Four questions.
2.      Section-B consists of Four Subsections: Unit-I, II, III,  & IV. Each Subsections contains two questions each carrying Eight marks each and student  has to attempt any One question from each Subsection.
3.      Section-C is Compulsory and consist of  One  Case Study carrying Eight marks.

1.      Explain salient features of Scientific Management, with suitable illustrations.
2.      Explain the concept of Management by Objectives, with examples.
3.      Outline the steps involved in managerial decision making.
4.      Highlight the relative advantages and disadvantages of centralization and decentralization.
5.      What are the causes of line and staff conflicts? Suggest ways to reduce such conflicts.
6.      Explain distinguishing characteristics of Japanese Management.

7.      Define Management Highlight the functions of management, with illustrations.
8.      Outline the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility, with examples.

9.      Outline the Planning Process, by citing examples.
10.  Describe the steps involved in the Strategic Management Process.

11.  Outline the concept of organizing. Describe various bases of departmentation.
12.  Highlight the importance of coordination Recommend techniques to ensure effective coordination.

13.  Describe the process of control with illustrations.
14.  Explain the following:
(a)    MCkinsey’s 7 S Framework
(b)   Total Quality Management.

15.  Ram is a draughtsman and, in the opinion of his supervisor, a very able and conscientious highly skilled worker. Indeed his annual merit ratings were much better than the average for other draughtsman  and he had been given special increments in the past. He seems to be satisfied with salary and other terms and conditions. Ram is friendly with his fellow  draughtsmen and is respectful in his attitude, towards  the drawing office supervisor.
Ram has become a problem man of late. He comes late two or three mornings every week. Though he may be only five to ten  minutes late to reach the company, he shows up at the drawing office only after twenty minutes. The drawing office employees do not punch cards. The seating arrangement is such that any one absent, coming late  or leaving early,  gets noticed immediately. Since most of the draughtsmen arrive on time,  Ram’s late coming stand out sharply. Almost all his colleagues  like Ram. However, several of them have mentioned to be supervisor about this habit of  Ram. They say it is not fair to let him get away with it. Some of  them even asked that, if Ram can come late, why should they also not have the same privilege. Other who did not get special increments like Ram due to their lack of skill and ability, sarcastically commented, that  they were not considered for special increments only because they were coming to work on time.
The supervisor believes that he has tried everything to persuade. Ram to improve his behaviour. He has talked to him about this four or five times. Ram says that his train is usually late and he is victim of circumstances beyond his control.  The supervisor warned him that if he does not come on time in future, his increments, will get affected.  Ram feels that this will be unfair to him and he may be forced to look for other organization.
The drawing office supervisor checked with one of Ram’s former employees about this regular late coming but his records shows  no such problem when he was with them. The supervisor discussed the  matter with the Personal Manager and sought his advice and assistance.

(a)    How will you react if you were the Personal Manager?
(b) What is your advice to the Supervisor?


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