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Sunday, November 29, 2015

S.B. Roll No……….
2nd Exam/Common/0451/5404/Dec’11

Duration : 2½ Hrs                                                                                   M. Marks: 75

1.     The temporary hardness of water due to calcium bicarbonates can be removed by:
(a)  Bleaching powder
(b) Sodium carbonate
(c)  Chlorine
(d) Potassium carbonate
2.     In hot soda lime process, temporary hardness of water can be removed by
(a)  Lime
(b) Magnesium hydroxide
(c)  Fine sand layer
(d) Coarse sand layer
3.     The process of removing extra common salt from water is called:
(a)  De-ionization
(b) Desalination
(c)  Disinfection
(d) Softening
4.     Coagulants help in setting of:
(a)  Colloidal particles only
(b) Fine suspended impurities
(c)  Suspended impurities only
(d) Both a and c
5.     A law which governs the effect of conc. On the rate of reaction is called
(a)  Dalton law
(b) Le-chatelier’s principle
(c)  Law of chem.. equilibriul
(d) Law of mass action
6.     Theory of ionization was give by:
(a)  Bohr
(b) Arrhenius
(c)  Rutherford
(d) Newton
7.     The conjugate acid of NH2­ is
(a)  NH3
(b) NH4
(c)  NH2OH
(d) N2H4
8.     Ionic product of water changes when
(a)  Anacid is added to water
(b) A base is added to water
(c)  Both acid and base are added to water
(d) Temp. is changed.
9.     A buffer mixture of ammonium chloride and ammonium hydroxide is diluted with water, its pH will
(a)  Increases
(b) Decreases
(c)  Remains the same
(d) Becomes 7
10.                     Buffer action of a buffer is due to:
(a)  Association
(b) Common ion effect
(c)  Dissociation
(d) Heat production
11.                     The indicator used in titration of strong acid and strong base is
(a)  Litmus
(b) Methyl orange
(c)  Phenolphathalein
(d) Methyl red
12.                     HCl is stronger acid than acetic acid because
(a)   It can neutralize large quantity of alkali
(b) It can corrode anything it comes in contact
(c)  It ionizes completely to ions in aqueous soln.
(d) None of these
13.                     Hydrolysis of sodium acetate will give:
(a)  Basic soln.
(b) Acidic soln.
(c)  Neutral soln.
(d) Normal soln.
14.                     Anaqueous soln, whose pH is O is:
(a)  Alkaline
(b) Acidic
(c)  Neutral
(d) Amphoteric
15.                     Strong electrolytes are those which:
(a)  Dissolve readily in water
(b) Conduct electricity
(c)  Dissociate into ions at high dilution.
16.                     The unit of electrochemical equivalent is:
(a)  Gram
(b) Gram/ampere
(c)  Gram/coulombs
(d) Coulombs/gram
17.                     One faraday is equal to
(a)  9650 coulombs
(b) 39650 coulombs
(c)  29650 coulombs
(d) 96500coulombs
18.                     On elctrolys is of dil. H2SO4 soln. between platinum electrodes, this gas evolved at the anode is
(a) O2
(d) SO2
19. Which of the following battery is rechargeable?
(a) Dry cell
(b) Mercury cell
(c) Ni-Cd cell
(d) H2-O2 cell
20. In electrolytic refining metal to be purified is made as:
(a) Anode
(b) Cathode
(c) Neutral
(d) None
21. Reducing agent is a substance which can
(a) Accept electrons
(b) Accept protons
(c) Donate electrons
(d) donate protons
22. E.C.E is more for
(a) Hydrogen
(b) copper
(c) zinc
(d) silver
23.During electrolysis, all ions
(a) Move in the same direction
(b) Move towards oppositely charged electrode
(c) Remains stationary
(d) None of these
24. Electric current is the flow of
(a) Ions
(b) Atoms
(c) Electrons
(d) None of these
25. When aqueous sodium chloride is electro lysed, the products obtained at the cathode is
(a) Hydrogen
(b) Chlorine
(c) sodium metal
(d) oxygen
26.The reactions in which oxidation and reduction go side by side are called
(a) Oxidation reaction
(b) Reduction reaction
(c) Redox reaction
(d) Exothermic reaction
27. In the electroplating of metals, anode is made up of
(a) Pure metal
(b) Impure metal
(c) both a and b
(d) electrolyte
28. Tetravalency of carbon can be explained by
(a) Resonance
(b) Hybridization
(c) Inductive effect
(d) none of these
29.Graphite is used as electrodes because ‘it has the property of:
(a) Good conduction of electricity
(b) Bad conduction of electricity
(c) Metallic lustre
(d) None of these
30. The property of self  linking of carbon atoms is known as
(a) Catenation
(b) Polymerization
(c) Carbonization
(d) none of these
31. The common name of HCCOOH is:
(a) Formic acid
(b) Acetic acid
(c) Carbonic acid
(d) None of these
32. Hydrocarbons containing triple bonds are known are:
(a) Alkanes
(b) Alkenes
(c) alkynes
(d) None of these
33. Cyanides are also known as:
(a) Alkane nitriles
(b) Imines
(c) amines
(d) amides
34. The organic compound present in vinegar is:
(a) Ethanoic acid
(b) Propanoic acid
(c) Methanoic acid
(d) Butanoic acid
35. The aromatic smell of flowers is due to the presence of:
(a) Alcohols
(b) Acids
(c) Esters
(d) Amines
36. Which of the following is not one of the seven fundamental units?
(a) Kilogram
(b) Candela
(c) Mole
(d) Watt
37. I calorie ………………Joules
(b) 4.8
(c) 4.6
(d) 4.9
38. Freezing point of water at I atm pressure of Kelvin scale is
(a) 0 K
(b) 1 K
(c) -273 K
(d) +273K
39. Which of the following is not an element?
(a) Diamond
(b) Graphite
(c) Ozone
(d) Sand
40. Which of the following is a metalloid?
(a) Antimony
(b) Aluminum
(c) Copper
(d) Silver
41. Which was the maximum viscosity?
(a) Water
(b) Glycol
(c) Acetone
(d) Ethanol
42. The charge on a cation M is +2 and on anion A is -3. The compound formed has the formula
(a) MA2
(b) M2A3
(c) M3A2
(d) M2A
43. NaCl is a chemical formula of:
(a) Washing soda
(b) baking soda
(c) sugar
(d) common salt
44. Which of the following has the largest number of atoms?
(a) 0.5 g atom of C
(b) .5 g of C
(c) 0.25 mole of C
(d) 1 g of C
45. Mass of 0.40 moles of CO2 is
(a) 40g
(b) 44g
(c) 17.6g
(d) 12.6g
46. I a.m.u. is mass of:
(a) 1 atom of C
(b) 12 atoms of C
(c) 1/12th of C atom
(d) 6.022x1023 atoms of C
47. Mass of 0.1 mole of CaCO3 is
(a) 1g
(b) 10g
(c) 100g
(d) 1000g
48. Neutrons are present in all toms except
(a) He
(b) C
(c) H
(d) Ne
49.The designation of an orbital with n=4 and 1=3 is
(a) 4s
(b) 2P
(c) 4d
(d) 4f
50. The lightest particle among the following is
(a) Proton
(b) Neutron
(c) Electron
(d) atom of hydrogen
51. A pie bond is formed by the overlapping of
(a) S-s orbital
(b) s-p orbital
(c) p-p
(d) d-d orbital
52. Series of lines present in visible region of Hydrogen spectrum is
(a) Lyman
(b) Balmer
(c) Paschen
(d) Brackett
53. As we move away from nucleus, the energy of the shell
(a) Decreases
(b) increases
(c) remains the same
(b) neither decreases nor
54. Which of the following noble gases has lowest atomic number
(a) Ne
(b) He
(c) Kr
(d) Xe
55. The shape of 2s orbital is
(a) Dumbbell
(b) Tetrahedral
(c) Pyramidal
(d) Spherical
56. If the mass of an atom is 90 and number of neutrons is 50 its atomic number is
(a) 40
(b) 50
(c) 90
(d) 140
57.The quantum number representing shapes of the electron cloud is
(a) n
(b) I
(c) m
(d) s
58. The size of the nucleus of an atom is of the order of
(a) 10-8
(c) 10-4
59. The charge on the electron was found by
(a) J.J Thomsan
(b) Miliken
(c) Faraday
(d) Goldstein
60. Every period in the periodic table ends with
(a) An alkali metal
(b)a halogen
(c) an inert gas
(d) a trasition element
61. The number of elements present in the 3rd period is
(a) 6
(b) 18
(d) 8
62. The element with atomic number 26 will be found in the group
(a) 4
(b) 6
(d) 10
63. The total number of actinides in the periodic table are
(a) 12
(b) 13
64. The elements of group 16 in periodic table are known as
(a) Alkali metals
(b) Alkaline earths
(c) Chalcogens
(d) Halogens
65. Halogens belong to
(a) p-block
(b) s-block
(c) d-block
66. In the periodic table, the position of the element still uncertain is of
(a) He
(b) H
(c) Li
(d) C
67. The purest form of water obtained from natural sources is:
(a) Spring water
(b) Rainwater
(c) Sea water
(d) Lake water
68. Temporary hardness of water is due to presence of calcium and magnesium
(a) Chlorides
(b) Sulphates
(c) Bicarbonates
(d) Nitrates
69. The process of destroying the disease producing bacteria or micro-organisms from water is known is
(b) sedimentation
(c) coagulation
(d) disinfection
70. Permanent hardness is due to the presence of Ca and Mg as
(a) Carbonates only
(b) Bicarbonates only
(c) Chlorides only
(d) Chlorides and sulphates
71. Permanent hardness can be removed by adding
(a) CI2
(b) Na2CO3
(c) Bleaching powder
72. The chemical name of permutit is;
(a) Potassium zeolite
(b) sodium zeolite
(c) calcium zeolite
(d) Magnesium zeolite
73. Hardness can be estimated
(a) Clark’s method
(b) soap titration method
(c) EDTA method
(d) both b and c
74. On boiling water becomes free from:
(a) Permanent hardness
(b)Temporary hardness
(c) suspended hardness
(d) floating impurities
75. Exhausted permutit is regenerated by washing it with:
(a) NaCl
(b) NaOH
(c) HCl

(d) KOH 


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