Roll No...........................
Total No. of Questions : 13] [Total
No. of Pages : 02
Paper ID [A0511]
(Please fill this Paper ID in
OMR Sheet)
MCA (301) (Old / S05) (Sem. - 3rd)
Time : 03 Hours Maximum
Marks : 75
Instruction to Candidates:
1) Section
- A is Compulsory.
2) Attempt
any Nine questions from Section - B.
Section - A
Q1) (15
× 2 = 30)
a) What is the difference
between encoder and multiplexer?
b) What are various types of
c) What is the advantage of DMA
d) What is cache memory? What
are two important problems associated with cache memory?
e) A computer has 32 bit
instructions and 12 bit addresses. If there are
250 two-address instructions,
how many one-address instructions can be formulated?
f) What must the address field
of an indexed addressing mode instruction be to make it the same as a register
indirect mode instruction?
g) What are the basic
difference between a branch instruction, a call subroutine instruction and
program interrupt?
h) What is the difference
between synchronous and asynchronous data transmation?
i) What is the difference
between trap and interrupt?
j) What is the transfer rate of
an eight track magnetic tape whose speed is 120 inches per second and whose
density is 1600 bits per inch?
k) What is virtual memory?
l) Define: (i) Seek time (ii)
Rotational latency time
m) Differentiate between
isolated and memory mapped I/O?
n) Differentiate between half
adder and full adder?
o) List the merits and demerits
of tape derive?
Section - B
(9 × 5 = 45)
Q2) Discuss the important RISC and
CISC characteristics?
Q3) What is the difference between
serial and parallel transfer? Using a shift register with parallel load,
explain how to convert serial input data to parallel output and parallel input
data to serial output?
Q4) What are the criteria on which
memory hierarchy is formed? What information it conveys? Differentiate between
main memory and cache memory.
Q5) Explain the associative memory
with a block diagram.
Q6) What is instruction format?
Discuss the various instruction formats?
Q7) What is the need of memory
protection? Explain how the protection is provided to the memory?
Q8) What is the purpose of
addressing modes? Explain the different addressing
Q9) Differentiate micro programmed
and hardwired control unit?
Q10) What are the various I/O data
transfer modes? Differentiate between them?
Q11) Explain the interrupt cycle?
Draw the flow chart?
Q12) Explain the various page
replacement techniques.
Q13) Draw the block diagram of dual
4-to-1 line multiplexer? Explain its operation by function table?
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