Roll No...........................
Total No. of Questions : 13]
[Total No. of Pages : 02
Paper ID [A0304]
(Please fill this Paper ID in OMR Sheet)
B.Sc. IT (104) (S05) (Sem. - 1st)
B.Sc. IT - (102) (Old)
B.Sc. IT (203) (New)/DCA -104
Time : 03 Hours Maximum
Marks : 75
Instruction to Candidates:
1) Section
- A is Compulsory.
2) Attempt
any Nine questions from Section - B.
Section - A
Q1) (15
× 2 = 30)
a) What are operators and conditions?
b) What are NULL indicators?
c) What are features of Information Processing?
d) What is database view and how can it be used?
e) Differentiate between Logical and physical
f) Define QBE and view?
g) What are advantages and disadvantages of data
sharing of different
functional areas?
h) What is utility of Dialog Box, Menus and
i) What are DDL and DML?
j) What advantages of SQL?
k) What do you Secondary Key?
l) What do mean by filtering Record?
m) Write syntax for UPDATE Query?
n) What is Relational Data Integrity?
o) Write syntax for SELECT Query?
Section - B
(9 × 5 = 45)
Q2) Explain the various types of
Data Base Management Systems?
Q3) Consider the following relation
database. Give an expression in SQL for
each of the following queries:
Enrol (Rollno, Name, Fname, DOB, Subjectcode)
Teach (Prof, Subjectcode)
Subject (Subjectcode,Sname)
(a) List all students taking subject with subject
code BSIT 104 or BSIT
(b) List those professors who teach more than one
Q4) Describe the types of
facilities provided in RDBMS.
Q5) Explain how table is created,
deleted and its values can be sorted using
Q6) Explain with an example how
tables can be modified without data lost.
Q7) Explain any four operations of
Structured Query Language?
Q8) Explain usefulness of various
types of Report and Screen forms.
Q9) Describe how in a form data can
be searched, edited and deleted.
Q10) What are various objectives of
database systems?
Q11) Explain Database design
Q12) Use following schema, to
express the queries in SQL:
CUSTOMER (cust_id, cust_name, annual_revenue,
SHIPMENT(shipment_#,cust_id, weight, truck_#,
destination, ship_date)
TRUCK (truck_#, driver_name)
CITY (city_name, population)
(a) Give all data for shipments weighing over 120
(b) List cities of population over ten lacks which
have received a 150 kg
package from customer 315.
Q13) What are major requirements to create query?
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