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Sunday, February 14, 2016

Roll No…..
Total No. of  Questions: 07

BBA (Sem.-1st)

Time: 3 Hrs.                                                                           Max. Marks: 60

Instruction to Candidates:
1.       Section-A is Compulsory.
2.       Attempt any Four questions from Section-B.

(a)     If A=[1,2,3,5], B=[4,5,7] and C=[1,6,7] then prove that A-(B=(A-B)(A-C).
(b)     Construct the truth table for [P^(p
(c)      In how many ways a committee of 3 students can be formed from 4 boys and 3 girls so that committee contains at least one boy and one girl.
(d)     State Binomial Theorem and using it expand (1-x)2.
(e)      Find the derivative of 2x log x with respect to x.
(f)      Evaluate
(g)     If A= then find A2&A2.
(h)     Using Matrix Inversion Method, solve the following system of linear equations.
(i)      Define Logarithm.  List few properties of logarithm.
(j)      How much money is needed today so that we will have Rs.2500 after 2 years if interest is 8% compounded quarterly.


(a)     In a class of 35 students 17 have taken mathematics, 10 have taken mathematics but not economics.  Find the number of students who have taken both mathematics and economics and the number of students who have taken economics but not mathematics, if it is given that each student has taken either mathematics or economics or both.
(b)     Solve the equation:


(a)     State the converse and contra positive of the following statements:
          (i)      If today is Holi then tomorrow is Tuesday.
          (ii)     If John is a poet then he is poor.      
          (iii)    If triangle ABC is right angled then AB2+BC2=AC2
(iv)    If  P is a square then P is a rectangle.
(v)     If a triangle is not isosceles then it is not equilateral.

(b)     A bit is either 0 or 1: a byte is a sequence of 8 bits. Find 
          (i)      the number of bytes that can be formed.
          (ii)     the number of bytes that begin with 11 and end with 11.
          (iii)    the number of bytes that begin with 11 and do not end  with 11,
          (iv)    the number of bytes that  begin with 11 or end with 11.

Q4.    (a)     Find the sum of first 20 terms of an A.P .in which 3rd terms is 7
                   and the 7th terms is two more than thrice of its 3rd terms.
          (b)     Find the extreme values of the function given by f (x) = (x- 1) 2
                   (x+ 1 )3.

Q5.    (a)     Express the matrix A as  sum of a symmetric and skew
                   Symme..c  matrix where
          (b)     Using Cramer`s rule , solve the following of linear equations:
                             x- y  +z  =4
                             2x +y -3 z =0
                             x+ y + z =2

Q6.             Using Gauss limination method  solve the following system of
                   Linear equations :
                             2x + z   = 3
                             x- y + z  = 1
                             4x – 2y + 3z = 3

Q7.             Define Depreciation . Explain Straight –Line Method of 
                   Depreciation .A dishwasher was purchased by the Check –Inn Restaurant on october  I.The purchase price was Rs.1200 and installation cost was Rs.300. The  estimate usefull life of the dishwasher is 6 years and its salvage value is Rs .300 What is the amount of depreciation to the nearest paisa at the end of 4th year ?




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